Thingiverse- The Universe for CAD files

Thingiverse is an online platform for sharing and downloading 3D printable models. It was launched in 2008 and is now one of the largest online communities for 3D printing enthusiasts. Thingiverse allows users to upload, share, and discover 3D printable designs, ranging from practical objects to artistic creations.

The platform has a wide variety of 3D models, from toys and gadgets to replacement parts for appliances and machinery. Users can search for models based on keywords or browse through various categories, including fashion, home decor, art, and education.

Thingiverse is open to everyone, and users are encouraged to share their designs with the community. The platform also offers tools for customization and remixing of existing designs, allowing users to modify and improve upon the work of others.

Thingiverse is free to use and relies on advertising for revenue. It is owned by MakerBot, a company that produces 3D printers and related accessories.

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